Privacy Policy


Effective December 1, 2023

We are committed to respecting your right to privacy and protecting your information when you visit and use our services. In order to do so we need to collect, process and retain some personal information about you so that we can deliver our products and services in a way that supports your unique needs and interests. We want you to know that we take your privacy and the security of your personal information seriously. We also want to be transparent about the types of personal information we collect about you, how we use your personal information, and with whom we share your personal information and why. This Privacy Policy is intended to provide you with that information and to inform you of the choices you have regarding the use and retention of your personal information.

About This Policy
This Privacy Policy applies to the website and its associated products and services (“Website”). The terms governing your use of our Website are defined within our Terms of Use. Please note that by using our Website, you are consenting to the terms defined within our Terms of Use and this Privacy Policy.

Additionally, we may develop and release new products and services from time-to-time. If the release of these products or services results in material changes to how we collect, use or share personal information about you, we will update this Privacy Policy accordingly or will provide additional notices to inform you of such changes.

The Types of Personal Information We Collect About You and How We Use It
For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, personal information is considered to be “any information that can be used to uniquely identify you or that can be reasonably linked, directly or indirectly, with you.” The specific pieces of personal information we collect about you depends on how you use our Website and what services you subscribe to. However, the general categories of personal information we collect about you are described by the following:

Account Data
Account Data is information that we collect about you when you inquire about or subscribe to our products and services. This type of information typically includes name, email address, phone number and mailing address, and enables us to contact you for purposes such as discussing your interest in our products and services, creating an account for you to access our online services. Once your account has been created, additional information about you, such as account and communication preferences, may also be requested to enable you to configure and personalize your account. Whether you provide this additional information is up to you. You can choose what additional information you wish to provide, make changes to existing information, and to opt out of future communications at any time by updating your account preferences.

Sharing of Personal Information We Collect
We do not sell, trade, rent, or otherwise disclose your personal information to third parties. Where we do share personal information about you with third parties, their use of that information is strictly limited to the following:

Personal Information Retention and Protection
Protecting the confidentiality of any personal information we have collected about you is of utmost importance to us. We retain your personal information for only as long as necessary to satisfy legitimate and essential business purposes such as maintaining the performance and availability of our Website and Services, complying with legal obligations, and resolving any disputes.

We also implement and maintain appropriate technical and operational controls (including encryption and access control measures) to protect your personal information while it is stored on our systems. With that said, please note that no system or data transmission is ever completely secure. While we make all reasonable efforts to protect the confidentiality of the information we collect about you, we make no guarantees, representations, or warranties with respect to the security of your personal information during storage or transmission.

Most of the information we collect about you is associated with your Website user account. To help protect your account, we encourage you to use a strong password that is unique to your use of our Website, never share your password with anyone, never store your password in an insecure location or manner, and logout of your account when you are finished using our Website. If you suspect that your password may have been compromised or that your account has been used in an unauthorized manner, we recommend you change your account password immediately. If you require any assistance with changing your account password, please contact us.

Requesting Deletion of Your Personal Information
At your request, we will delete (or anonymize) any information we have collected about you over the last 12 months. Please understand, though, that we will not (nor are we legally obligated to) respond to more than two such requests within a 12-month period. We may also be legally required or allowed to retain your personal information in certain circumstances even when you’ve requested that we delete your information, including:

  • Where there is an unresolved issue relating to your account such as an outstanding credit, unpaid balance, or unresolved dispute.
  • Where we need to retain your personal information for our legal, tax, audit and accounting obligations as required by applicable law.
  • Where it is necessary to maintain your personal information for our legitimate business interests such as fraud prevention or to maintain the security of our Website.

To request deletion of any personal information we have collected about you within the last 12 months, please contact us.

Please note that by deleting your personal information, you may lose access to or use of certain portions of our Website or services. Therefore, we strongly suggest that you confirm you no longer wish to use our Website or services before making such requests.

Opting Out of the Sale of Your Personal Information
We have undertaken extensive steps to identify whether any of our data sharing arrangements would constitute the “sale” of personal information under the CCPA. We continue to maintain that we do not sell, trade, rent or otherwise disclose personal information to a third party for “monetary or other valuable consideration” and, therefore, are not required to provide you the ability to “opt out” of the sale of your information since we do not engage in such activities.

Notice to Canadian Residents
Under Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (“PIPEDA”), business who collect the personal information of Canadian residents are required to adhere to series of privacy principles concerning their handling of such information, including: the principles of accountability; purpose; consent; limited collection; limited use, disclosure and retention; accuracy; safeguards; openness; access; and compliance.

This Privacy Policy explains our support for the principles of accountability; purpose; consent; limited use, disclosure and retention; safeguards; openness; and access. The principles of limited collection, accuracy, and compliance are addressed below:

Limited Collection
We limit the information that we collect about you to that which is necessary to support our business and to deliver our products and services to you in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

You can make corrections to any personal information that we have collected about you by updating your account settings and preferences. If you require assistance in making these corrections, please contact us.

Complaints and Access Requests
If you are a Canadian resident and wish to request more information about our privacy practices, to request details regarding the personal information about you that we have collected, or to file a complaint, please contact us.

Use of Our Website by Children
Our Website is not intended for use by children under 18 years of age. We would never knowingly collect personal information from or about children under the age of 18. If you are under 18 years of age, please do not use our Website or provide any of your personal information to us.

If you are a parent of a child under the age of 18 and become aware that your child may have provided their personal information to us, please contact us.

Updates to this Privacy Policy
Occasionally, we may update this Privacy Policy and reserve the right to make these amendments or modifications at any time by posting the revised Privacy Policy on the Website. When such changes are posted, it is important that you review those carefully so that you thoroughly understand the impact such changes have on the collection, storage, use and sharing of your personal information. If you have any further questions regarding this Privacy Policy, you are encouraged to contact us.

How to Contact Us
For questions regarding our Privacy Policy or to make requests regarding any personal information about you we may collected, please contact us.